℣. Dómine, lábia + mea apéries.
℟. Et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
℣. Deus ✠ in adiutórium meum inténde.
℟. Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
℣. O Lord, + open thou my lips.
℟. And my mouth shall declare thy praise.
℣. O God, ✠ come to my assistance;
℟. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Invitatorium {Antiphona ex Proprio Sanctorum}
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
Veníte, exsultémus Dómino, iubilémus Deo, salutári nostro: præoccupémus fáciem eius in confessióne, et in psalmis iubilémus ei.
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
Quóniam Deus magnus Dóminus, et Rex magnus super omnes deos, quóniam non repéllet Dóminus plebem suam: quia in manu eius sunt omnes fines terræ, et altitúdines móntium ipse cónspicit.
Ant. Veníte, adorémus.
Quóniam ipsíus est mare, et ipse fecit illud, et áridam fundavérunt manus eius (genuflectitur) veníte, adorémus, et procidámus ante Deum: plorémus coram Dómino, qui fecit nos, quia ipse est Dóminus, Deus noster; nos autem pópulus eius, et oves páscuæ eius.
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
Hódie, si vocem eius audiéritis, nolíte obduráre corda vestra, sicut in exacerbatióne secúndum diem tentatiónis in desérto: ubi tentavérunt me patres vestri, probavérunt et vidérunt ópera mea.
Ant. Veníte, adorémus.
Quadragínta annis próximus fui generatióni huic, et dixi; Semper hi errant corde, ipsi vero non cognovérunt vias meas: quibus iurávi in ira mea; Si introíbunt in réquiem meam.
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Veníte, adorémus.
Ant. Regem Angelórum Dóminum, * Veníte, adorémus.
Invitatory {Antiphon from the Proper of Saints}
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
Come let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully sing to God our saviour. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. For the Lord will not cast off his people: for in his hand are all the ends of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are his.
Ant. O come, let us worship Him.
For the sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. (genuflect) Come let us adore and fall down: and weep before the Lord that made us: For he is the Lord our God: and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
Today if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts: As in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness: where your fathers tempted me, they proved me, and saw my works.
Ant. O come, let us worship Him.
Forty years long was I offended with that generation, and I said: These always err in heart. And these men have not known my ways: so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. O come, let us worship Him.
Ant. The Lord, He is the King of the Angels, * O come, let us worship Him.
Hymnus {ex Proprio Sanctorum}
Custódes hóminum psállimus Angelos,
Natúræ frágili quos Pater áddidit
Cæléstis cómites, insidiántibus
Ne succúmberet hóstibus.
Nam, quod corrúerit próditor ángelus,
Concéssis mérito pulsus honóribus,
Ardens invídia péllere nítitur
Quos cælo Deus ádvocat.
Huc, custos, ígitur pérvigil ádvola,
Avértens pátria de tibi crédita
Tam morbos ánimi quam requiéscere
Quidquid non sinit íncolas.
Sanctæ sit Tríadi laus pia iúgiter,
Cuius perpétuo númine máchina
Triplex hæc régitur, cuius in ómnia
Regnat glória sǽcula.
Hymn {from the Proper of Saints}
Angel-guardians of men, spirits and powers we sing,
Whom our Father hath sent, aids to our weakly frame,
Heavenly friends and guides, help from on high to bring,
Lest we fail through the foeman's wile.
He, the spoiler of souls, angel-traitor of old,
Cast in merited wrath out of his honoured place,
Burns with envy and hate, seeking their souls to gain
Whom God's mercy invites to heaven.
Therefore come to our help, watchful ward of our lives:
Turn aside from the land God to thy care confides
Sickness and woe of soul, yea, and what else of ill
Peace of heart to its folk denies.
Now to the Holy Three praise evermore resound:
Under whose hand divine resteth the triple world
Governed in wondrous wise: glory be theirs and might
While the ages unending run.
Psalmi cum lectionibus {Antiphonæ et Psalmi ex Proprio Sanctorum}
Nocturn I.
Ant. Dóminus, Deus * cæli et terræ, ipse mittet Angelum suum coram te.
Psalmus 8 [1]
8:2 Dómine, Dóminus noster, * quam admirábile est nomen tuum in univérsa terra!
8:2 Quóniam eleváta est magnificéntia tua, * super cælos.
8:3 Ex ore infántium et lacténtium perfecísti laudem propter inimícos tuos, * ut déstruas inimícum et ultórem.
8:4 Quóniam vidébo cælos tuos, ópera digitórum tuórum: * lunam et stellas, quæ tu fundásti.
8:5 Quid est homo quod memor es eius? * aut fílius hóminis, quóniam vísitas eum?
8:6 Minuísti eum paulo minus ab Ángelis, glória et honóre coronásti eum: * et constituísti eum super ópera mánuum tuárum.
8:8 Ómnia subiecísti sub pédibus eius, * oves et boves univérsas: ínsuper et pécora campi.
8:9 Vólucres cæli, et pisces maris, * qui perámbulant sémitas maris.
8:10 Dómine, Dóminus noster, * quam admirábile est nomen tuum in univérsa terra!
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Dóminus, Deus cæli et terræ, ipse mittet Angelum suum coram te.
Psalms with lections {Antiphons and psalms from the Proper of Saints}
Nocturn I.
Ant. The Lord God of heaven and earth shall send His Angel before thee.
Psalm 8 [1]
8:2 O Lord our Lord, * how admirable is thy name in the whole earth!
8:2 For thy magnificence is elevated * above the heavens.
8:3 Out of the mouth of infants and of sucklings thou hast perfected praise, because of thy enemies, * that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the avenger.
8:4 For I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy fingers: * the moon and the stars which thou hast founded.
8:5 What is man that thou art mindful of him? * or the son of man that thou visitest him?
8:6 Thou hast made him a little less than the angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honour: * and hast set him over the works of thy hands.
8:8 Thou hast subjected all things under his feet, * all sheep and oxen: moreover the beasts also of the fields.
8:9 The birds of the air, and the fishes of the sea, * that pass through the paths of the sea.
8:10 O Lord our Lord, * how admirable is thy name in all the earth!
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Lord God of heaven and earth shall send His Angel before thee.
Ant. Deus meus * misit Angelum suum et conclúsit ora leónum, et non nocuérunt mihi.
Psalmus 10 [2]
10:2 In Dómino confído: quómodo dícitis ánimæ meæ: * Tránsmigra in montem sicut passer?
10:3 Quóniam ecce peccatóres intendérunt arcum, paravérunt sagíttas suas in pháretra, * ut sagíttent in obscúro rectos corde.
10:4 Quóniam quæ perfecísti, destruxérunt: * iustus autem quid fecit?
10:5 Dóminus in templo sancto suo, * Dóminus in cælo sedes eius.
10:5 Óculi eius in páuperem respíciunt: * pálpebræ eius intérrogant fílios hóminum.
10:6 Dóminus intérrogat iustum et ímpium: * qui autem díligit iniquitátem, odit ánimam suam.
10:7 Pluet super peccatóres láqueos: * ignis, et sulphur, et spíritus procellárum pars cálicis eórum.
10:8 Quóniam iustus Dóminus, et iustítias diléxit: * æquitátem vidit vultus eius.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Deus meus misit Angelum suum et conclúsit ora leónum, et non nocuérunt mihi.
Ant. My God hath sent His Angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me.
Psalm 10 [2]
10:2 In the Lord I put my trust: how then do you say to my soul: * Get thee away from hence to the mountain, like a sparrow?
10:3 For, lo, the wicked have bent their bow: they have prepared their arrows in the quiver, * to shoot in the dark the upright of heart.
10:4 For they have destroyed the things which thou hast made: * but what has the just man done?
10:5 The Lord is in his holy temple, * the Lord’s throne is in heaven.
10:5 His eyes look on the poor man: * his eyelids examine the sons of men.
10:6 The Lord trieth the just and the wicked: * but he that loveth iniquity, hateth his own soul.
10:7 He shall rain snares upon sinners: * fire and brimstone, and storms of winds, shall be the portion of their cup.
10:8 For the Lord is just, and hath loved justice: * his countenance hath beheld righteousness.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. My God hath sent His Angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me.
Ant. Bene ambulétis, * et Dóminus sit in itínere vestro, et Angelus eius comitétur vobíscum.
Psalmus 14 [3]
14:1 Dómine, quis habitábit in tabernáculo tuo? * aut quis requiéscet in monte sancto tuo?
14:2 Qui ingréditur sine mácula, * et operátur iustítiam:
14:3 Qui lóquitur veritátem in corde suo, * qui non egit dolum in lingua sua:
14:3 Nec fecit próximo suo malum, * et oppróbrium non accépit advérsus próximos suos.
14:4 Ad níhilum dedúctus est in conspéctu eius malígnus: * timéntes autem Dóminum gloríficat:
14:4 Qui iurat próximo suo, et non décipit, * qui pecúniam suam non dedit ad usúram, et múnera super innocéntem non accépit.
14:5 Qui facit hæc: * non movébitur in ætérnum.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Bene ambulétis, et Dóminus sit in itínere vestro, et Angelus eius comitétur vobíscum.
Ant. Go prosperously, and the Lord be with you in your journey, and His Angel keep you company.
Psalm 14 [3]
14:1 Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? * or who shall rest in thy holy hill?
14:2 He that walketh without blemish, * and worketh justice:
14:3 He that speaketh truth in his heart, * who hath not used deceit in his tongue:
14:3 Nor hath done evil to his neighbour: * nor taken up a reproach against his neighbours.
14:4 In his sight the malignant is brought to nothing: * but he glorifieth them that fear the Lord:
14:4 He that sweareth to his neighbour, and deceiveth not; * He that hath not put out his money to usury, nor taken bribes against the innocent:
14:5 He that doth these things, * shall not be moved for ever.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Go prosperously, and the Lord be with you in your journey, and His Angel keep you company.
Ant. Cum essem vobíscum, * per voluntátem Dei eram: ipsum benedícite et cantáte ei.
Psalmus 18 [4]
18:2 Cæli enárrant glóriam Dei: * et ópera mánuum eius annúntiat firmaméntum.
18:3 Dies diéi erúctat verbum, * et nox nocti índicat sciéntiam.
18:4 Non sunt loquélæ, neque sermónes, * quorum non audiántur voces eórum.
18:5 In omnem terram exívit sonus eórum: * et in fines orbis terræ verba eórum.
18:6 In sole pósuit tabernáculum suum: * et ipse tamquam sponsus procédens de thálamo suo:
18:6 Exsultávit ut gigas ad curréndam viam, * a summo cælo egréssio eius:
18:7 Et occúrsus eius usque ad summum eius: * nec est qui se abscóndat a calóre eius.
18:8 Lex Dómini immaculáta, convértens ánimas: * testimónium Dómini fidéle, sapiéntiam præstans párvulis.
18:9 Iustítiæ Dómini rectæ, lætificántes corda: * præcéptum Dómini lúcidum, illúminans óculos.
18:10 Timor Dómini sanctus, pérmanens in sǽculum sǽculi: * iudícia Dómini vera, iustificáta in semetípsa.
18:11 Desiderabília super aurum et lápidem pretiósum multum: * et dulcióra super mel et favum.
18:12 Étenim servus tuus custódit ea, * in custodiéndis illis retribútio multa.
18:13 Delícta quis intéllegit? ab occúltis meis munda me: * et ab aliénis parce servo tuo.
18:14 Si mei non fúerint domináti, tunc immaculátus ero: * et emundábor a delícto máximo.
18:15 Et erunt ut compláceant elóquia oris mei: * et meditátio cordis mei in conspéctu tuo semper.
18:15 Dómine, adiútor meus, * et redémptor meus.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Cum essem vobíscum, per voluntátem Dei eram: ipsum benedícite et cantáte ei.
Ant. When I came unto you, by the will of God I came; bless Him, and give Him thanks.
Psalm 18 [4]
18:2 The heavens shew forth the glory of God, * and the firmament declareth the work of his hands.
18:3 Day to day uttereth speech, * and night to night sheweth knowledge.
18:4 There are no speeches nor languages, * where their voices are not heard.
18:5 Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth: * and their words unto the ends of the world.
18:6 He hath set his tabernacle in the sun: * and he, as a bridegroom coming out of his bride chamber,
18:6 Hath rejoiced as a giant to run the way: * his going out is from the end of heaven,
18:7 And his circuit even to the end thereof: * and there is no one that can hide himself from his heat.
18:8 The law of the Lord is unspotted, converting souls: * the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones.
18:9 The justices of the Lord are right, rejoicing hearts: * the commandment of the Lord is lightsome, enlightening the eyes.
18:10 The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for ever and ever: * the judgments of the Lord are true, justified in themselves.
18:11 More to be desired than gold and many precious stones: * and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
18:12 For thy servant keepeth them, * and in keeping them there is a great reward.
18:13 Who can understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord: * and from those of others spare thy servant.
18:14 If they shall have no dominion over me, then shall I be without spot: * and I shall be cleansed from the greatest sin.
18:15 And the words of my mouth shall be such as may please: * and the meditation of my heart always in thy sight.
18:15 O Lord, my helper, * and my redeemer.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. When I came unto you, by the will of God I came; bless Him, and give Him thanks.
Ant. Tollens se Angelus Dómini, * qui præcedébat castra Israël, ábiit post eos.
Psalmus 23 [5]
23:1 Dómini est terra, et plenitúdo eius: * orbis terrárum, et univérsi qui hábitant in eo.
23:2 Quia ipse super mária fundávit eum: * et super flúmina præparávit eum.
23:3 Quis ascéndet in montem Dómini? * aut quis stabit in loco sancto eius?
23:4 Ínnocens mánibus et mundo corde, * qui non accépit in vano ánimam suam, nec iurávit in dolo próximo suo.
23:5 Hic accípiet benedictiónem a Dómino: * et misericórdiam a Deo, salutári suo.
23:6 Hæc est generátio quæréntium eum, * quæréntium fáciem Dei Iacob.
23:7 Attóllite portas, príncipes, vestras, et elevámini, portæ æternáles: * et introíbit Rex glóriæ.
23:8 Quis est iste Rex glóriæ? * Dóminus fortis et potens: Dóminus potens in prǽlio.
23:9 Attóllite portas, príncipes, vestras, et elevámini, portæ æternáles: * et introíbit Rex glóriæ.
23:10 Quis est iste Rex glóriæ? * Dóminus virtútum ipse est Rex glóriæ.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Tollens se Angelus Dómini, qui præcedébat castra Israël, ábiit post eos.
Ant. The Angel of the Lord, which went before the camp of Israel, removed, and went behind them.
Psalm 23 [5]
23:1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof: * the world, and all they that dwell therein.
23:2 For he hath founded it upon the seas; * and hath prepared it upon the rivers.
23:3 Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord: * or who shall stand in his holy place?
23:4 The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, * who hath not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbour.
23:5 He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, * and mercy from God his Saviour.
23:6 This is the generation of them that seek him, * of them that seek the face of the God of Jacob.
23:7 Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: * and the King of Glory shall enter in.
23:8 Who is this King of Glory? * the Lord who is strong and mighty: the Lord mighty in battle.
23:9 Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: * and the King of Glory shall enter in.
23:10 Who is this King of Glory? * the Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Angel of the Lord, which went before the camp of Israel, removed, and went behind them.
Ant. Immíttet Angelus Dómini * in circúitu timéntium eum, et erípiet eos.
Psalmus 33 [6]
33:2 Benedícam Dóminum in omni témpore: * semper laus eius in ore meo.
33:3 In Dómino laudábitur ánima mea: * áudiant mansuéti, et læténtur.
33:4 Magnificáte Dóminum mecum: * et exaltémus nomen eius in idípsum.
33:5 Exquisívi Dóminum, et exaudívit me: * et ex ómnibus tribulatiónibus meis erípuit me.
33:6 Accédite ad eum, et illuminámini: * et fácies vestræ non confundéntur.
33:7 Iste pauper clamávit, et Dóminus exaudívit eum: * et de ómnibus tribulatiónibus eius salvávit eum.
33:8 Immíttet Ángelus Dómini in circúitu timéntium eum: * et erípiet eos.
33:9 Gustáte, et vidéte quóniam suávis est Dóminus: * beátus vir, qui sperat in eo.
33:10 Timéte Dóminum, omnes sancti eius: * quóniam non est inópia timéntibus eum.
33:11 Dívites eguérunt et esuriérunt: * inquiréntes autem Dóminum non minuéntur omni bono.
33:12 Veníte, fílii, audíte me: * timórem Dómini docébo vos.
33:13 Quis est homo qui vult vitam: * díligit dies vidére bonos?
33:14 Próhibe linguam tuam a malo: * et lábia tua ne loquántur dolum.
33:15 Divérte a malo, et fac bonum: * inquíre pacem, et perséquere eam.
33:16 Óculi Dómini super iustos: * et aures eius in preces eórum.
33:17 Vultus autem Dómini super faciéntes mala: * ut perdat de terra memóriam eórum.
33:18 Clamavérunt iusti, et Dóminus exaudívit eos: * et ex ómnibus tribulatiónibus eórum liberávit eos.
33:19 Iuxta est Dóminus iis, qui tribuláto sunt corde: * et húmiles spíritu salvábit.
33:20 Multæ tribulatiónes iustórum: * et de ómnibus his liberábit eos Dóminus.
33:21 Custódit Dóminus ómnia ossa eórum: * unum ex his non conterétur.
33:22 Mors peccatórum péssima: * et qui odérunt iustum, delínquent.
33:23 Rédimet Dóminus ánimas servórum suórum: * et non delínquent omnes qui sperant in eo.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Immíttet Angelus Dómini in circúitu timéntium eum, et erípiet eos.
Ant. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.
Psalm 33 [6]
33:2 I will bless the Lord at all times, * his praise shall be always in my mouth.
33:3 In the Lord shall my soul be praised: * let the meek hear and rejoice.
33:4 O magnify the Lord with me; * and let us extol his name together.
33:5 I sought the Lord, and he heard me; * and he delivered me from all my troubles.
33:6 Come ye to him and be enlightened: * and your faces shall not be confounded.
33:7 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him: * and saved him out of all his troubles.
33:8 The Angel of the Lord shall encamp round about them that fear him: * and shall deliver them.
33:9 O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet: * blessed is the man that hopeth in him.
33:10 Fear the Lord, all ye his saints: * for there is no want to them that fear him.
33:11 The rich have wanted, and have suffered hunger: * but they that seek the Lord shall not be deprived of any good.
33:12 Come, children, hearken to me: * I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
33:13 Who is the man that desireth life: * who loveth to see good days?
33:14 Keep thy tongue from evil, * and thy lips from speaking guile.
33:15 Turn away from evil and do good: * seek after peace and pursue it.
33:16 The eyes of the Lord are upon the just: * and his ears unto their prayers.
33:17 But the countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil things: * to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
33:18 The just cried, and the Lord heard them: * and delivered them out of all their troubles.
33:19 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart: * and he will save the humble of spirit.
33:20 Many are the afflictions of the just; * but out of them all will the Lord deliver them.
33:21 The Lord keepeth all their bones, * not one of them shall be broken.
33:22 The death of the wicked is very evil: * and they that hate the just shall be guilty.
33:23 The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants: * and none of them that trust in him shall offend.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.
Ant. Misit Dóminus * Angelum suum, qui percússit omnem virum robústum et bellatórem, et príncipem exércitus regis Assyriórum.
Psalmus 95 [7]
95:1 Cantáte Dómino cánticum novum: * cantáte Dómino, omnis terra.
95:2 Cantáte Dómino, et benedícite nómini eius: * annuntiáte de die in diem salutáre eius.
95:3 Annuntiáte inter gentes glóriam eius, * in ómnibus pópulis mirabília eius.
95:4 Quóniam magnus Dóminus, et laudábilis nimis: * terríbilis est super omnes deos.
95:5 Quóniam omnes dii géntium dæmónia: * Dóminus autem cælos fecit.
95:6 Conféssio, et pulchritúdo in conspéctu eius: * sanctimónia et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne eius.
95:7 Afférte Dómino, pátriæ géntium, afférte Dómino glóriam et honórem: * afférte Dómino glóriam nómini eius.
95:8 Tóllite hóstias, et introíte in átria eius: * adoráte Dóminum in átrio sancto eius.
95:9 Commoveátur a fácie eius univérsa terra: * dícite in géntibus quia Dóminus regnávit.
95:10 Étenim corréxit orbem terræ qui non commovébitur: * iudicábit pópulos in æquitáte.
95:11 Læténtur cæli, et exsúltet terra: commoveátur mare, et plenitúdo eius: * gaudébunt campi, et ómnia quæ in eis sunt.
95:12 Tunc exsultábunt ómnia ligna silvárum a fácie Dómini, quia venit: * quóniam venit iudicáre terram.
95:13 Iudicábit orbem terræ in æquitáte, * et pópulos in veritáte sua.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Misit Dóminus Angelum suum, qui percússit omnem virum robústum et bellatórem, et príncipem exércitus regis Assyriórum.
Ant. The Lord sent His Angel, which cut off all the mighty of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the King of Assyria.
Psalm 95 [7]
95:1 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: * sing to the Lord, all the earth.
95:2 Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: * shew forth his salvation from day to day.
95:3 Declare his glory among the Gentiles: * his wonders among all people.
95:4 For the Lord is great, and exceedingly to be praised: * he is to be feared above all gods.
95:5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: * but the Lord made the heavens.
95:6 Praise and beauty are before him: * holiness and majesty in his sanctuary.
95:7 Bring ye to the Lord, O ye kindreds of the Gentiles, bring ye to the Lord glory and honour: * bring to the Lord glory unto his name.
95:8 Bring up sacrifices, and come into his courts: * adore ye the Lord in his holy court.
95:9 Let all the earth be moved at his presence. * Say ye among the Gentiles, the Lord hath reigned.
95:10 For he hath corrected the world, which shall not be moved: * he will judge the people with justice.
95:11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let the sea be moved, and the fulness thereof: * the fields and all things that are in them shall be joyful.
95:12 Then shall all the trees of the woods rejoice before the face of the Lord, because he cometh: * because he cometh to judge the earth.
95:13 He shall judge the world with justice, * and the people with his truth.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Lord sent His Angel, which cut off all the mighty of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the King of Assyria.
Ant. Adoráte Dóminum * omnes Angeli eius: audívit, et lætáta est Sion.
Psalmus 96 [8]
96:1 Dóminus regnávit, exsúltet terra: * læténtur ínsulæ multæ.
96:2 Nubes, et calígo in circúitu eius: * iustítia, et iudícium corréctio sedis eius.
96:3 Ignis ante ípsum præcédet, * et inflammábit in circúitu inimícos eius.
96:4 Illuxérunt fúlgura eius orbi terræ: * vidit, et commóta est terra.
96:5 Montes, sicut cera fluxérunt a fácie Dómini: * a fácie Dómini omnis terra.
96:6 Annuntiavérunt cæli iustítiam eius: * et vidérunt omnes pópuli glóriam eius.
96:7 Confundántur omnes, qui adórant sculptília: * et qui gloriántur in simulácris suis.
96:7 Adoráte eum, omnes Ángeli eius: * audívit, et lætáta est Sion.
96:8 Et exsultavérunt fíliæ Iudæ, * propter iudícia tua, Dómine:
96:9 Quóniam tu Dóminus Altíssimus super omnem terram: * nimis exaltátus es super omnes deos.
96:10 Qui dilígitis Dóminum, odíte malum: * custódit Dóminus ánimas sanctórum suórum, de manu peccatóris liberábit eos.
96:11 Lux orta est iusto, * et rectis corde lætítia.
96:12 Lætámini, iusti, in Dómino: * et confitémini memóriæ sanctificatiónis eius.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Adoráte Dóminum omnes Angeli eius: audívit, et lætáta est Sion.
Ant. Worship the Lord, all ye His Angels! Zion heard, and was glad.
Psalm 96 [8]
96:1 The Lord hath reigned, let the earth rejoice: * let many islands be glad.
96:2 Clouds and darkness are round about him: * justice and judgment are the establishment of his throne.
96:3 A fire shall go before him, * and shall burn his enemies round about.
96:4 His lightnings have shone forth to the world: * the earth saw and trembled.
96:5 The mountains melted like wax, at the presence of the Lord: * at the presence of the Lord of all the earth.
96:6 The heavens declared his justice: * and all people saw his glory.
96:7 Let them be all confounded that adore graven things, * and that glory in their idols.
96:7 Adore him, all you his angels: * Sion heard, and was glad.
96:8 And the daughters of Juda rejoiced, * because of thy judgments, O Lord.
96:9 For thou art the most high Lord over all the earth: * thou art exalted exceedingly above all gods.
96:10 You that love the Lord, hate evil: * the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints, he will deliver them out of the hand of the sinner.
96:11 Light is risen to the just, * and joy to the right of heart.
96:12 Rejoice, ye just, in the Lord: * and give praise to the remembrance of his holiness.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Worship the Lord, all ye His Angels! Zion heard, and was glad.
Ant. Benedícite Dómino, * omnes Angeli eius, poténtes virtúte, faciéntes verbum illíus, ad audiéndam vocem sermónum eius.
Psalmus 102 [9]
102:1 Bénedic, ánima mea, Dómino: * et ómnia, quæ intra me sunt, nómini sancto eius.
102:2 Bénedic, ánima mea, Dómino: * et noli oblivísci omnes retributiónes eius.
102:3 Qui propitiátur ómnibus iniquitátibus tuis: * qui sanat omnes infirmitátes tuas.
102:4 Qui rédimit de intéritu vitam tuam: * qui corónat te in misericórdia et miseratiónibus.
102:5 Qui replet in bonis desidérium tuum: * renovábitur ut áquilæ iuvéntus tua:
102:6 Fáciens misericórdias Dóminus: * et iudícium ómnibus iniúriam patiéntibus.
102:7 Notas fecit vias suas Móysi, * fíliis Israël voluntátes suas.
102:8 Miserátor, et miséricors Dóminus: * longánimis, et multum miséricors.
102:9 Non in perpétuum irascétur: * neque in ætérnum comminábitur.
102:10 Non secúndum peccáta nostra fecit nobis: * neque secúndum iniquitátes nostras retríbuit nobis.
102:11 Quóniam secúndum altitúdinem cæli a terra: * corroborávit misericórdiam suam super timéntes se.
102:12 Quantum distat ortus ab occidénte: * longe fecit a nobis iniquitátes nostras.
102:13 Quómodo miserétur pater filiórum, misértus est Dóminus timéntibus se: * quóniam ipse cognóvit figméntum nostrum.
102:14 Recordátus est quóniam pulvis sumus: * homo, sicut fænum dies eius, tamquam flos agri sic efflorébit.
102:16 Quóniam spíritus pertransíbit in illo, et non subsístet: * et non cognóscet ámplius locum suum.
102:17 Misericórdia autem Dómini ab ætérno, * et usque in ætérnum super timéntes eum.
102:17 Et iustítia illíus in fílios filiórum, * his qui servant testaméntum eius:
102:18 Et mémores sunt mandatórum ipsíus, * ad faciéndum ea.
102:19 Dóminus in cælo parávit sedem suam: * et regnum ipsíus ómnibus dominábitur.
102:20 Benedícite Dómino, omnes Ángeli eius: * poténtes virtúte, faciéntes verbum illíus, ad audiéndam vocem sermónum eius.
102:21 Benedícite Dómino, omnes virtútes eius: * minístri eius, qui fácitis voluntátem eius.
102:22 Benedícite Dómino, ómnia ópera eius: * in omni loco dominatiónis eius, bénedic, ánima mea, Dómino.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Benedícite Dómino, omnes Angeli eius, poténtes virtúte, faciéntes verbum illíus, ad audiéndam vocem sermónum eius.
Ant. Bless the Lord, all ye His Angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, to hearken unto the voice of His word.
Psalm 102 [9]
102:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: * and let all that is within me bless his holy name.
102:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, * and never forget all he hath done for thee.
102:3 Who forgiveth all thy iniquities: * who healeth all thy diseases.
102:4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: * who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion.
102:5 Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: * thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle’s.
102:6 The Lord doth mercies, * and judgment for all that suffer wrong.
102:7 He hath made his ways known to Moses: * his wills to the children of Israel.
102:8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful: * longsuffering and plenteous in mercy.
102:9 He will not always be angry: * nor will he threaten for ever.
102:10 He hath not dealt with us according to our sins: * nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
102:11 For according to the height of the heaven above the earth: * he hath strengthened his mercy towards them that fear him.
102:12 As far as the east is from the west, * so far hath he removed our iniquities from us.
102:13 As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him: * for he knoweth our frame.
102:14 He remembereth that we are dust: * man’s days are as grass, as the flower of the field so shall he flourish.
102:16 For the spirit shall pass in him, and he shall not be: * and he shall know his place no more.
102:17 But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity * and unto eternity upon them that fear him:
102:17 And his justice unto children’s children, * to such as keep his covenant,
102:18 And are mindful of his commandments * to do them.
102:19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven: * and his kingdom shall rule over all.
102:20 Bless the Lord, all ye his angels: * you that are mighty in strength, and execute his word, hearkening to the voice of his orders.
102:21 Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts: * you ministers of his that do his will.
102:22 Bless the Lord, all his works: * in every place of his dominion, O my soul, bless thou the Lord.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Bless the Lord, all ye His Angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, to hearken unto the voice of His word.
℣. In conspéctu Angelórum psallam tibi, Deus meus.
℟. Adorábo ad templum sanctum tuum, et confitébor nómini tuo.
℣. Before the Angels will I sing praise unto thee, O my God.
℟. I will worship toward thy holy Temple, and praise thy Name.
Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie: et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris:
℣. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem:
℟. Sed líbera nos a malo.
Absolutio. A vínculis peccatórum nostrórum absólvat nos omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus.
℟. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
℣. And lead us not into temptation:
℟. But deliver us from evil.
Absolution. May the Almighty and merciful Lord loose us from the bonds of our sins.
℟. Amen.
℣. Iube, Dómine, benedícere.
Benedictio. Ille nos benedícat, qui sine fine vivit et regnat.
℟. Amen.
Lectio 1
De libro Exodi
Exod 23:20-23
20 Ecce ego mittam Angelum meum, qui præcédat te et custódiat in via et introdúcat in locum quem parávi.
21 Obsérva eum et audi vocem eius, nec contemnéndum putes, quia non dimíttet, cum peccáveris, et est nomen meum in illo.
22 Quod, si audíeris vocem eius et féceris ómnia quæ loquor, inimícus ero inimícis tuis et afflígam affligéntes te.
23 Præcedétque te Angelus meus.
℣. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
℟. Deo grátias.
℟. Angelis suis Deus mandávit de te, ut custódiant te in ómnibus viis tuis:
* In mánibus portábunt te, ne umquam offéndas ad lápidem pedem tuum.
℣. Míllia míllium ministrábant ei, et décies míllies centéna míllia assistébant ei.
℟. In mánibus portábunt te, ne umquam offéndas ad lápidem pedem tuum.
℣. Grant, Lord, a blessing.
Benediction. May His blessing be upon us who doth live and reign for ever.
℟. Amen.
Reading 1
From the Book of Exodus
Exod 23:20-23
20 Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have prepared.
21 Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and do not think him one to be contemned: for he will not forgive when thou hast sinned, and my name is in him.
22 But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will afflict them that afflict thee.
23 And my angel shall go before thee, and shall bring thee in unto the Amorrhite, and the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, whom I will destroy.
℣. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
℟. Thanks be to God.
℟. God hath given His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
* They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.
℣. Thousands of thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times hundreds of thousands stood before Him.
℟. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.
℣. Iube, Dómine, benedícere.
Benedictio. Quorum festum cólimus, ipsi intercédant pro nobis ad Dóminum.
℟. Amen.
Lectio 2
De Zacharía Prophéta
Zach 1:7-11
7 Factum est verbum Dómini ad Zacharíam, fílium Barachíæ fílii Addo, prophétam, dicens:
8 Vidi per noctem, et ecce Vir ascéndens super equum rufum, et ipse stabat inter myrtéta, quæ erant in profúndo, et post eum equi rufi, várii et albi,
9 Et dixi: Quid sunt isti, Dómine mi? Et dixit ad me Angelus qui loquebátur in me; Ego osténdam tibi quid sint hæc.
10 Et respóndit vir qui stabat inter myrtéta et dixit: Isti sunt quos misit Dóminus ut perámbulent terram.
11 Et respondérunt Angelo Dómini, qui stabat inter myrtéta, et dixérunt: Perambulávimus terram, et ecce omnis terra habitátur et quiéscit.
Zach 2:1-5
1 Et levávi óculos meos et vidi, et ecce vir, et in manu eius funículus mensórum;
2 Et dixi: Quo tu vadis? Et dixit ad me: Ut métiar Ierúsalem et vídeam quanta sit latitúdo eius, et quanta longitúdo eius.
3 Et ecce Angelus qui loquebátur in me, egrediebátur, et Angelus álius egrediebátur in occúrsum eius
4 Et dixit ad eum: Curre, lóquere ad púerum istum dicens: Absque muro habitábitur Ierúsalem, præ multitúdine hóminum et iumentórum in médio eius.
5 Et ego ero ei, ait Dóminus, murus ignis in circúitu, et in glória ero in médio eius.
℣. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
℟. Deo grátias.
℟. In conspéctu géntium nolíte timére; vos enim in córdibus vestris adoráte et timéte Dóminum;
* Angelus enim eius vobíscum est.
℣. Stetit Angelus iuxta aram templi, habens thuríbulum áureum in manu sua.
℟. Angelus enim eius vobíscum est.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Angelus enim eius vobíscum est.
℣. Grant, Lord, a blessing.
Benediction. They whose feast-day we are keeping, be our Advocates with God.
℟. Amen.
Reading 2
From Zacharias the Prophet
Zech 1:7-11
7 In the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month which is called Sabath, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zacharias the son of Barachias, the son of Addo, the prophet, saying:
8 I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees, that were in the bottom: and behind him were horses, red, speckled, and white.
9 And I said: What are these, my Lord? and the angel that spoke in me, said to me: I will shew thee what these are:
10 And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered, and said: These are they, whom the Lord hath sent to walk through the earth.
11 And they answered the angel of the Lord, that stood among the myrtle trees, and said: We have walked through the earth, and behold all the earth is inhabited, and is at rest.
Zech 2:1-5
1 And I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and behold a man, with a measuring line in his hand.
2 And I said: Whither goest thou? and he said to me: To measure Jerusalem, and to see how great is the breadth thereof, and how great the length thereof.
3 And behold the angel that spoke in me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him.
4 And he said to him: Run, speak to this young man, saying: Jerusalem shall be inhabited without walls, by reason of the multitude of men, and of the beasts in the midst thereof.
5 And I will be to it, saith the Lord, a wall of fire round about: and I will be in glory in the midst thereof.
℣. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
℟. Thanks be to God.
℟. When ye see the Gentiles, be not afraid of them, but in your hearts worship and fear the Lord;
* For His Angel is with you.
℣. An Angel stood at the Altar of the Temple, having a golden censer in his hand.
℟. For His Angel is with you.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. For His Angel is with you.
℣. Iube, Dómine, benedícere.
Benedictio. Ad societátem cívium supernórum perdúcat nos Rex Angelórum.
℟. Amen.
Lectio 3
Sermo sancti Bernárdi Abbátis
In Psalmum Qui habitat
Angelis suis mandávit de te. Mira dignátio, et vere magna diléctio caritátis. Quis enim? quibus? de quo? quid mandávit? Studióse considerémus, fratres, diligénter commendémus memóriæ hoc tam grande mandátum. Quis enim mandávit? cuius sunt Angeli? cuius mandátis obtémperant? cuius obédiunt voluntáti? Nempe Angelis suis mandávit de te, ut custódiant te in ómnibus viis tuis. Nec cunctántur quin étiam in mánibus tollant te. Summa ergo Maiéstas mandávit Angelis, et Angelis suis mandávit. Illis útique sublímibus, tam beátis quam próximis sibi cohæréntibus et vere domésticis mandávit de te. Tu quis es? Quid est homo, quod memor es eius? aut fílius hóminis, quóniam réputas eum? Quasi vero non sit homo putrédo, et fílius hóminis vermis! Sed quid putas mandávit de te? Ut custódiant te.
℣. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
℟. Deo grátias.
Te Deum
Te Deum laudámus: * te Dóminum confitémur.
Te ætérnum Patrem * omnis terra venerátur.
Tibi omnes Ángeli, * tibi Cæli, et univérsæ Potestátes:
Tibi Chérubim et Séraphim * incessábili voce proclámant:
Fit reverentia Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus * Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra * maiestátis glóriæ tuæ.
Te gloriósus * Apostolórum chorus,
Te Prophetárum * laudábilis númerus,
Te Mártyrum candidátus * laudat exércitus.
Te per orbem terrárum * sancta confitétur Ecclésia,
Patrem * imménsæ maiestátis;
Venerándum tuum verum * et únicum Fílium;
Sanctum quoque * Paráclitum Spíritum.
Tu Rex glóriæ, * Christe.
Tu Patris * sempitérnus es Fílius.
Fit reverentia Tu, ad liberándum susceptúrus hóminem: * non horruísti Vírginis úterum.
Tu, devícto mortis acúleo, * aperuísti credéntibus regna cælórum.
Tu ad déxteram Dei sedes, * in glória Patris.
Iudex créderis * esse ventúrus.
Sequens versus dicitur flexis genibus
Te ergo quǽsumus, tuis fámulis súbveni, * quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.
Ætérna fac cum Sanctis tuis * in glória numerári.
Salvum fac pópulum tuum, Dómine, * et bénedic hereditáti tuæ.
Et rege eos, * et extólle illos usque in ætérnum.
Per síngulos dies * benedícimus te.
Fit reverentia, secundum consuetudinem Et laudámus nomen tuum in sǽculum, * et in sǽculum sǽculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto * sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine, * miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia tua, Dómine, super nos, * quemádmodum sperávimus in te.
In te, Dómine, sperávi: * non confúndar in ætérnum.
℣. Grant, Lord, a blessing.
Benediction. May He that is the Angels' King to that high realm His people bring.
℟. Amen.
Reading 3
From the Sermons of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux.
On Ps. xc
He hath given His Angels charge over thee. A wonderful graciousness, and a wonderful outpouring of love. For who hath given charge? And what charge? Unto whom? And over whom? Let us carefully consider, my brethren, let us carefully hold in mind this great charge. For who hath given this charge? To Whom belong the Angels? Whose commandments do they obey, and Whose will do they do? He hath given His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways, and that not carelessly, for they shall bear thee up in their hands. The Highest Majesty, therefore, hath given charge unto Angels, even His Angels. Unto these beings so excellently exalted, so blessed, so near to Himself, even as His own household, unto these hath He given charge over thee. Who art thou? What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that Thou visitest him? Ps. viii. 5. Even as though man were not rottenness, and the son of man, a worm. Job. xxv. 6. But what charge hath He given them over thee? To keep thee in all thy ways.
℣. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
℟. Thanks be to God.
Te Deum
We praise thee, O God, * we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship thee, * the Father everlasting.
To thee all Angels cry aloud, * the Heavens, and all the Powers therein.
To thee Cherubim and Seraphim * continually do cry.
bow head Holy, Holy, Holy * Lord God of Sabaoth;
Heaven and earth are full * of the Majesty of thy glory.
The glorious company of the Apostles * praise thee.
The goodly fellowship of the Prophets * praise thee.
The noble army of Martyrs * praise thee.
The holy Church throughout all the world * doth acknowledge thee;
The Father, * of an infinite Majesty.
Thine honourable, true, * and only Son;
Also the Holy Ghost, * the Comforter.
Thou art the King of Glory, * O Christ.
Thou art the everlasting * Son of the Father.
During the following verse all make a profound bow: When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man, * thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.
When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, * thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.
Thou sittest at the right hand of God, * in the glory of the Father.
We believe that thou shalt come * to be our Judge.
Kneel for the following verse
We therefore pray thee, help thy servants, * whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious Blood.
Make them to be numbered with thy Saints, * in glory everlasting.
O Lord, save thy people, * and bless thine heritage.
Govern them, * and lift them up for ever.
Day by day * we magnify thee;
During the following verse, by local custom, all make a profound bow. And we worship thy Name * ever, world without end.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us * this day without sin.
O Lord, have mercy upon us, * have mercy upon us.
O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us, * as our trust is in thee.
O Lord, in thee have I trusted, * let me never be confounded.
Reliqua omittuntur, nisi Laudes separandæ sint.
Skip the rest, unless praying Lauds separately.
Oratio {ex Proprio Sanctorum}
℣. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
℟. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
Deus, qui ineffábili providéntia sanctos Angelos tuos ad nostram custódiam míttere dignáris: largíre supplícibus tuis; et eórum semper protectióne deféndi, et ætérna societáte gaudére.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Prayer {from the Proper of Saints}
℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O God, Who in thine unspeakable Providence hast been pleased to give thine holy Angels charge over us, to keep us, mercifully grant unto our prayers, that we be both ever fenced by their wardship here, and everlastingly blessed by their fellowship hereafter.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
℣. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
℟. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
℣. Benedicámus Dómino.
℟. Deo grátias.
℣. Fidélium ánimæ per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.
℟. Amen.
℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
℣. Let us bless the Lord.
℟. Thanks be to God.
℣. May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
℟. Amen.